2025 Josh Piver Memorial Scholarship Application
2025 COMO Scholarship Application
2025 Whitman Award Scholarship Application
2025 Beth-Ann Stewart Arts & Pottery Scholarship
Josh Piver Memorial Fund: Josh Piver is a son of Stonington, a graduate of Stonington High, an honorable citizen of our country. Josh was a special friend to many, a gentle soul to all. He could be depended on to bring a smile to the darkest moments with his sharp wit and love of fun. He was a leader among his peers as well as a devoted son, a caring brother, a generous uncle and a model grandson. Josh entered every aspect of his life with intellect and heart. Whether he was cutting a perfect path down a precipitous ski slope, leaping to interfere the opponents kick as Stonington’s star varsity soccer goalie, skillfully sidling up to yachts for pick-ups in the Dodson Boatyard launch, intensely engaging in his Economics studies at University of Vermont to graduate with honors or successfully competing to attain a coveted position at Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th floor of the World Trade Center, Josh was driven by his passion for living and his ethic of excellence. He died in New York City on September 11, 2001. We continue to keep his memory alive by awarding scholarships to deserving Stonington High School students and alumni enrolled in College. The chosen recipients must best epitomize Josh’s same passion for life, desire for honest leadership, care for family and friends and vision for a good and responsible career. The scholarships are awarded to seniors at Stonington High School annually and, this year, to Stonington High School alumni enrolled in College.
Four $5,000 scholarships will be awarded to Stonington High School seniors and two $2,500 scholarships will be awarded to Stonington High School alumni enrolled in college. Awards will be distributed directly to the recipient.
*Please see Elijah Brown in the Stonington High School Career Center or reach out to Erika Piver at with any questions.
Francis Drake Endowment Fund: Awards from the Fund will be made to applicants who are residents of Stonington, Connecticut. Under Mr. Drake’s will, the awards will be given to college students who in the sole and absolute discretion of the Board merit such scholarship on the basis of their achievements in the community and their qualities of citizenship. Awards will be distributed directly to the recipient. Applicants may only receive the award for four years.
Robert and Doris Ramsbotham Scholarship Endowment Fund: Awards from the fund will be limited to college juniors, seniors and graduate students who are residents of Stonington, Connecticut. The awards will be given to students who in the sole and absolute discretion of the Board; merit such scholarship on the basis of their achievements in the community and their qualities of citizenship. Awards will be distributed directly to the recipient. Previous winners of the Ramsbotham Fund are not eligible. (Current college sophomores are eligible)
Frank Turek Scholarship Endowment Fund: Awards from the fund will be limited to college juniors, seniors and graduate students who are residents of Stonington, Connecticut. The awards will be given to students who in the sole and absolute discretion of the Board merit such scholarship on the basis of their achievements in the community and their qualities of citizenship. Awards will be distributed directly to the recipient. Previous winners of the Turek Fund are not eligible. (Current college sophomores are eligible)
Mary H. Boatwright Endowment Fund: Awards from the fund will be made to applicants who are entering college as a first year student (college freshman only) in the calendar year in which the award is made, and who are residents of Stonington, CT. The awards will be given to students who, in the sole and absolute discretion of the Board, merit such scholarship on the basis of both high academic achievement and promise, and the evidence of commitment to citizenship and community. Awards will be distributed directly to the recipient. Previous winners of the Boatwright Fund are not eligible.
Whitman Award Scholarship: Formed in 1951 as a memorial to Hendricks Whitman of Stonington, the Whitman Award with accompanying scholarship is awarded annually to the young members, grades 9-12, of the Stonington Community Center who best exemplify the qualities of leadership and citizenship we encourage.
Beth-Ann Stewart Arts & Pottery Scholarship: Awards a $500 scholarship annually to a high school senior who is entering college during the calendar year of the award, resides in Stonington, CT and who has an appreciation for the arts.