Register for a Makerspace Class!
A makerspace is a collaborative workspace equipped with technology and tools for people with an interest in making to share ideas, equipment, and creations. Students can get creative at the COMO Makerspace by tinkering, creating, exploring and discovering in a collaborative and safe space.
How do makerspace resources engage kids in STEAM learning? One of our most popular tools are our 3D printers! Students think up a design for their 3D model and make it come to life utilizing Tinkercad and 3D printer technology. They choose basic shapes as a foundation to build models shaped like people, animals, dinosaurs — anything! Then choose what color they'd like their model to be and watch it print in front of their eyes. Students next use hand tools to remove supports from their models. Lastly, they can choose to paint their model, use it in a larger project, turn it into a keychain, etc.
The makerspace utilizes emerging technologies and tinker materials including:
Glowforge Plus 3D Laser Printer x 3
Canon TM-300 Large Format Printer
Fine Arts & Crafts Supplies
Hand Tools
Classroom collection of twenty Dell Latitude Laptops
Classroom collection of ten Monoprice Select Mini V2 Desktop 3D printers
Click the images below to learn more about COMOmade community projects!